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2010 Bifid thumb type IV in children: transferring an epiphyseal segment of the proximal phalanx with insertion of the abductor pollicis brevis tendon






European Paediatric


Society (EPOS)




Pediatric Orthopaedic

Society of North America






Sociedad LatinoAmericana de

Ortopedia y Traumatologia

Infantil (SLAOTI)




Paediatric Section, Asia

Pacific Orthopaedic

Association (APOA)



Ruediger Krauspe: Obituary—Dietrich Tönnis


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M. Changulani, F. Ali, E. Mulgrew, J. B. Day and M. Zenios

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Nguyen Ngoc Hung: Bifid thumb type IV in children: transferring an epiphyseal segment of the proximal phalanx with insertion of the abductor pollicis brevis tendon

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